The Early Intervention Village You Can Depend On

Every child learns and grows at their own pace. How a child plays, learns, speaks, acts, and moves can show if they are reaching important developmental milestones. If you or your health and child care professionals notice the child is behind in their development, early intervention can help.

When a child is found eligible for the Birth to 3 Program, your family is supported by a full team that helps the child learn, interact, and thrive at home, in child care, and during other everyday activities like going to the library, store, or park.

The VPI Early Intervention Birth to 3 Program serves over 575 children and their families every year. Hear from one of those families below, on how the VPI Early Intervention Team helped their daughter Journee, who was born at 25 weeks, and with medical complexities that they had not experienced with their other 5 children.

Boe family posing together for a photo, Journee held by her mother Erin

Read the Boe Family Testimonial:

“Hello there…we are the Boe family!  This is our beautiful daughter Journee.  Journee was born at 25 weeks and has had many obstacles to overcome in her short life so far.  We adopted Journee and were immediately throw into the world of parenting a child with special needs and medical complexities.  From physical therapy to occupational therapy to speech and feeding therapy. 

The Early Intervention Program and team has been a blessing to us.  We have 5 other children and in conjunction with Journee’s health and medical needs it has been so important to us to have therapies available to come to our home and give Journee the help she has needed.  Not only have they consistently along the way informed us where she is at in terms of her milestones and growth but they have always been a helpful source of information when I am concerned and find myself comparing Journee to other children.  They have been able to assure me of everything they are seeing that she is improving on and the areas where she may need some more help.

With 5 other typical children it is surprising how much we as parents take for granted or do not pay too much attention to as far as growth and development and the Early Intervention Team has been ESSENTIAL in helping us to gain the knowledge we need to recognize and address our concerns and also to know where Journee is at and where she SHOULD be.  It has been incredibly valuable to us to have this source of assistance not only to help Journee to grow and flourish but also to give us ideas, goals, and exercises we can accomplish here at home between visits.  They have been able to give us a wealth of information on other resources and programs in addition to theirs also.  Parenting a medically complex kiddo truly takes a village and we could not have done it so easily without this wonderful group of people!”

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