
3 Reasons Community Contribution is Essential to Non-Profits

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In a world where the cost of everything seems to be on the rise, we, like many other non-profits, are needing to fight harder and with less resources to achieve our mission. We fight passionately to empower individuals with disabilities or disadvantages, dedicated to helping them attain the independence they aspire to achieve. At the 3 Reasons Community Contribution is Essential to Non-Profits

Empowering Communities and Breaking Records: Unraveling VPI’s Workforce Solutions and Their Record-Breaking Month

Last month marked a record-breaking achievement for VPI’s Workforce Solutions team. Alongside the incredible individuals VPI’s Workforce Solutions team had the opportunity to work with, they successfully completed 1,307.9 hours of job coaching—a milestone surpassing any previous monthly record. VPI’s Workforce Solutions, with its recent milestone of 1,307.9 hours of job coaching, is more than Empowering Communities and Breaking Records: Unraveling VPI’s Workforce Solutions and Their Record-Breaking Month

Celebrating and Recognizing the Importance of Disability Employment Awareness Month: Promoting Inclusivity in the Workplace

October marks the observance of Disability Employment Awareness Month (DEAM), a time to recognize and celebrate the invaluable contributions of individuals with disabilities in the workforce. This annual event, established in 1945 by President Truman, encourages employers and communities to embrace diversity and foster a more inclusive work environment. Keep reading to learn more about Celebrating and Recognizing the Importance of Disability Employment Awareness Month: Promoting Inclusivity in the Workplace

VPI IN THE NEWS: NBT Inclusion Manufacturing Camp – The Business News

The Business News, a newspaper based in Northeast Wisconsin that covers topics related to or impacting businesses in the area, joined us at our NBT Inclusion Manufacturing Camp this summer to learn more about the camp. Read the article about the camp by Staff Writer Rachel Sankey below, or by visiting their website here. Designed VPI IN THE NEWS: NBT Inclusion Manufacturing Camp – The Business News

Stories of Success: Landen

With our clients, we encourage getting involved in the community and learning more about ourselves. This month, we’d like to celebrate Landen’s success! Landen was a Project Search graduate from 2022 who was anxious to get a job. Within a year, Landen found a career he wanted to pursue! During a community inclusion outing, Landen Stories of Success: Landen

Celebrating Disability Pride Month

Every year in July, people with disabilities are recognized and honored during Disability Pride Month, a time to reflect on their rights, accomplishments, and experiences. It acts as a forum to promote inclusion and equal opportunities for people with disabilities, fight stigmas, and raise awareness. Thanks to the efforts of disability rights activists, groups, and Celebrating Disability Pride Month

Inclusion Makes Our Community Whole

Steve was reunited, to great fanfare, with former co-workers and friends. Donnie went to the bank for the first time in his adult life. Although not on board at first, Lindsay discovered a new store that she liked very much and vowed to return. To some, these may seem to be mundane experiences. Things that all of us Inclusion Makes Our Community Whole

Connecting People to the Critical Mental Health Care They Need

Life can get you down, and when you’re dealing with untreated mental illness, it can sometimes be harder to get back up. Having the right supports can help, which is why the Mental Health Navigator pilot program was created. Last week, a man was walking home from his car that broke down in the road. Connecting People to the Critical Mental Health Care They Need

The VPI Riverside Café: A stepping Stone Into Permanent Employment

Imagine being a graduating high school student with disabilities, with an interest in obtaining community employment in retail or food service, but with little to no training in the job skills required of that type of employment. It’s intimidating and is often too quickly written off as a dream out of reach, which is why The VPI Riverside Café: A stepping Stone Into Permanent Employment

211 Day Bringing Accessible and Confidential Resources to Light

Governor Evers has proclaimed February 11 as 211 Day in the State of Wisconsin! Started in 2000, this resources has changed countless lives for the better. Keep reading to learn more about what it is, how it works, and the impact it is had in the Fox Cities. What is it? 211 is a free 211 Day Bringing Accessible and Confidential Resources to Light

Valley Packaging Industries, Inc., DBA VPI, Inc. is a nonprofit, tax-exempt charitable organization under Section 501(c)(3) of the U.S. Internal Revenue Code. Our tax identification number is 39-0921632.
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